Policy for the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drugs Misuse
03/30/2021 - Rev 0 - QSMS
Distribution: All employees, whether belonging to or joining the Company and its outsourced personnel.
ROMAGA-SAIKAI, based on its safety principles and the recognition of its social responsibility, establishes, for application in all its areas of activity, the Program for the Prevention of Misuse of Alcohol and other Drugs.
The Company believes that all its employees, third parties, temporary workers, interns and service providers must be in full condition to carry out their activities efficiently and safely, aware that the use of alcohol and other drugs at work represents serious risks to safety, worker health and Company assets.
Possession, distribution, commercialization, manufacture, consumption or use of psychoactive substances on the company's premises, or in any work situation, is strictly prohibited, as well as in the means of transport provided by the Company, during travel to or from the place of work. job.
Any employee who is proven to be in the exercise of their professional activities or at the service of the company under the influence of alcohol and other illicit drugs is subject to legal and/or administrative penalties.
Leandro Lourenço Magalhães Raphael Justo da Silva
Director-Romaga Director-Saikai